So here it goes guys, the first blog. Well, as you all don't know, I'm all about the music. I've been recently "rubbed the wrong way" (not like that you pervs) and have to share this with someone before I explode.
It first started with a handsome hobbit named Frankie J. Don't get me wrong guys, Frankie J has somewhat of a sexy voice, and at one point, I was half of a fan. But this all came to a screeching halt when he butchered one of my all-time fave songs, more than words. You might have heard the radio edit and are wondering "well gosh Cayla I didn't hear anything wrong". And I'd say to you "YOU'RE RIGHT, BUT FUCKIN LISTEN TO THE LIVE ACOUSTIC VERSION, ASS. He slipped up on the lyrics, the biggest NO-NO ever when covering a song. Oh, and another thing that pissed me off was how he was going about it! My goodness, if you're going to cover a classic song, respect the structure of the song to a reasonable extent. He was trying to do way too much with it and it was way too over-the-top. In the singing world, there are these things called "runs" and he used about 2409 of them (to the point where he was sounding out of breath). You're not cute Frankie.
Know the RIGHT words, keep it simple, and no one gets blogged about.
Now for my second victim...

Well, besides this brilliant picture, these guys fucked up big time too!
Ok, maybe I'm being a
little dramatic, but their
rendition of another classic, time after time, is/was/will always be horrendous and painful to listen to. The first time I heard it on the radio, I almost threw up. It's honestly the WORST cover I've ever heard in my life. Not only did/do I loathe their song to begin with, but when I saw this video on
youtube, it really did me in.
No offense to rockers, (because I get down too) but time after time is a baby making song. It should not be used for moshing and crowd surfing (no one gives a shit about keeping you up, they just want a chance to grab your balls and boobs). I just re-watched the video and decided that I'd say something nice about it. They've got adequate but strange stage presence and the lead singers voice is alright...but it definitely does NOT fit the song, period. Actually, nevermind they still suck.
Gosh these sucky people wear me out. Until next time bloggers!