What are you trying to get at?

After reading the Seattle Times this morning on their website I got somewhat irritated. I'm sick and tired of all these articles talking about noise pollution in Belltown and other parts of downtown Seattle. I understand the issue with the string of violence thats hit this city, but noise? What the fuck do some of these people expect living in the city. The title alone of the article that Taya Flores wrote pisses me off as it is. To the people living in the city, YOU'RE the one who made the decision because the city life seems more attractive then living in the more affordable outskirts of the area, well guess what? There are noises in cities that people learn to deal with. Well what about the people who don't want to deal with noise? They move to the suburbs, or if the suburbs are too noisy for them, then they move to towns on the outskirts of suburbs. This shit is just plain retarded to me, get some more material Seattle Times, or if you're trying to make progress or awareness about the issue with Belltown, or Capital Hill, or wherever getting too unruly, then stick to it. I have a lot more to say about this, but I've gotta run. Anyways, heres the article along with a soundfile that allows idiots to hear what it sounds like to go out at night in downtown.
(image up top courtesy of wwp.greenwichmeantime.com)
newspapers simply need articles to fill space.
did you know 75% of articles in newpapers are fueled from press releases? where do you think press/news releases come from? the PR peeps at big ass corporations feeding you info that they want you to know.
i know this shpeel i just wrote is entirely irrelevant to zivvy's rant, but i felt like ranting on my own too.
gentrification at its best....people really want seattle to become portland...the city that sleeps at 10. I nominate ting pem to be mayor. LOL
Its all those old fuckers that moved there when it was cool... and now they are older and dont want to go out anymore so everyone else has to suffer.
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