young money
well i've been asked directly, indirectly, and have been hearing everyone else ask each other about what happened to but more so "how much?"

im still not going to disclose the exact figure... because thats just not me. lets just say its a healthy figure but im not exactly going to retire (however i am looking into another area of work). like i said before... you would have done it too.
but in all fun and games... this is my first big purchase

im still not going to disclose the exact figure... because thats just not me. lets just say its a healthy figure but im not exactly going to retire (however i am looking into another area of work). like i said before... you would have done it too.
but in all fun and games... this is my first big purchase

april foolllsss
fuckin' april fools day! :)
yeah you guys can call april fools all you want. dont ask me for a ride to watch fast and furious this weekend you ricers
Can I borrow a dollar? I'll pay you back. I promise.
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