Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
home sweet home

last night my fams came over and we were chillin out. around eight oclock we heard about 7-8 pops from down the block, and about 9 minutes later we hear sirens and fire trucks mobbin over there. come to find out, some nigga got lit up, and now they cant find the shooter or the victim.... but you gotta love the south end..
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
iggy piggy
at least his heart was in the right place when he almost killed that poor old lady from fright. pay attention to his sincerity. lol fucking copper
Fashion Rant

I'm all for people wearing what they enjoy regardless of the hype and the cost. But some things are JUST PLAIN WRONG.. Ive HAD IT with CROCS/Famous Stars and Straps. Crocs are quite possibly the ugliest most useless shoes ever created. They must be stopped. As for Famous Stars and Strap-ons... It speaks for itself. Its become the official white trash/wigger/bro/hiphop shirt of choice =X Help me spread the word and put an end to the countless number of Seattleites i see wearing both.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
he pwnz us

from the looks of his car, he pwns himself (or maybe he does pwn u by slamming on his brakes and collecting insurance money from you). horrible picture courtesy of zivan nutsack
edit: i just noticed that xbox360 looking logo ontop of the car at the very left of this picture. wtf? ghosts? well according to Zivan Nutsack: its the virgin maria
picture or painting?
down at my work, seattle's own and world renown Eric Grohe is in the process of painting an amazingly realistic mural on the side of our tech shop. the painting is supposed to take 4 months to finish, and after the first month its already tricking countless onlookers.
i could go on and on about how amazing the mural is already, but like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. in this case, a picture is probably worth a thousand more pictures. so i'll start it off by showing you guys how it first started

and heres how it looks 1 month later

none of this is actually sticking out, all painted!
notice how the very right side of the wall is made of brick (which they arent going to be painting over at all). the left side of the wall is not made of brick, but to make the mural centered, the left portion of the wall will be painted to look like bricks!
if you want to check out more of Eric Grohe's work, visit his website at: http://www.ericgrohemurals.com/projects.html

i could go on and on about how amazing the mural is already, but like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. in this case, a picture is probably worth a thousand more pictures. so i'll start it off by showing you guys how it first started

and heres how it looks 1 month later

none of this is actually sticking out, all painted!
notice how the very right side of the wall is made of brick (which they arent going to be painting over at all). the left side of the wall is not made of brick, but to make the mural centered, the left portion of the wall will be painted to look like bricks!
if you want to check out more of Eric Grohe's work, visit his website at: http://www.ericgrohemurals.com/projects.html

Sunday, July 22, 2007
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
The Art of Gratuitous PraiseCompliment Machine Gives Passersby Pats on the Back
By Joshua Zumbrun Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 21, 2007
Feeling blue? Unloved? As if nobody appreciates you? Maybe no one can see your inner wonderfulness. Or maybe you deserve to be forsaken. Maybe you are unloved because you're such a jerk, simply unlovable. Maybe you're a victim of the old maxim: "If you can't say anything nice . . . "
So when walking along 14th Street NW, you might be surprised to hear a chime followed by a reassuring voice:
"You help create a brighter future."
The avuncular voice calls out from a bright red-and-white-striped box perched on a platform of bricks, with a speaker at eye level and a grid of ventilation holes in the side. A small sign explains, "The Compliment Machine." The striking colors, stark lines and sharp corners lend the appearance of some strange installation of the municipality, perhaps from the Bureau of Self-Esteem or the Ministry of Happiness.
Ding! "People are drawn to your positive energy."
Is it true? It must be. The Compliment Machine looks as though it knows what it's talking about. Maybe it's a kinder, gentler cousin of Big Brother?
Ding! "You don't hate the player or the game."
What's next a motherfucking insult machine?
the fuck is this world coming to?
By Joshua Zumbrun Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 21, 2007
Feeling blue? Unloved? As if nobody appreciates you? Maybe no one can see your inner wonderfulness. Or maybe you deserve to be forsaken. Maybe you are unloved because you're such a jerk, simply unlovable. Maybe you're a victim of the old maxim: "If you can't say anything nice . . . "
So when walking along 14th Street NW, you might be surprised to hear a chime followed by a reassuring voice:
"You help create a brighter future."
The avuncular voice calls out from a bright red-and-white-striped box perched on a platform of bricks, with a speaker at eye level and a grid of ventilation holes in the side. A small sign explains, "The Compliment Machine." The striking colors, stark lines and sharp corners lend the appearance of some strange installation of the municipality, perhaps from the Bureau of Self-Esteem or the Ministry of Happiness.
Ding! "People are drawn to your positive energy."
Is it true? It must be. The Compliment Machine looks as though it knows what it's talking about. Maybe it's a kinder, gentler cousin of Big Brother?
Ding! "You don't hate the player or the game."
What's next a motherfucking insult machine?
the fuck is this world coming to?
I've got a fever...
and the only prescription, is the Simpsons Movie.
If you're a real fan you'd remember this classic commercial.
Oooo WEE!!! Only 5 more days...
If you're a real fan you'd remember this classic commercial.
Oooo WEE!!! Only 5 more days...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Congrats Jerry Yang on WSOP Main Event Win

Watched this live last night and this win could not have happened to a nicer guy.
Immediately after the win he thanked God for making him fortunate, told of his humble beginnings as a refugee, praised the US for being the land of opportunity, and thanked the staff of the WSOP for their hard work. When the $8M prize money was mentioned the first thing he said was that this money is great because of how much he could do for those less fortunate using it. He also pledged 10% of the winnings to Make-A-Wish Foundation, Feed the Children, and the Ronald McDonald House.
He is really the most humble, nicest guy to ever win the Main Event, and I think this next year he will represent poker well, shedding a better light on it with his social and charity work.
He started the final table the shortstack, but throughout the final table, he was the most aggressive player. He was the first one to go all-in at the final table, often put his opponents to the test. He also made a few hero calls which got him the huge stack that let him steamroll the entire final table. Some criticized his play for being a calling station, but it looked like he was bluffing a ton also... obv since it was live, no hole cards. Overall solid play and a great result for a great, likeable guy.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Qbert the 13th

just giving you guys a reminder that the hottest show to come to seattle in a while is tomorrow. not only is Qbert gonna be there, but my boy lerrick (DJ Hyro) is performing with my homegirl sheryl (on the violin).. now thats gonna be hot shit.
Friday the 13th : neumos : be there
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Taking the long step
Hot weather makes my sack stick to my legs. Anyways, enjoy this vintage PSA for drinking and driving.
fuck you 98 degrees

fuck you nick lachey and your 98°! but why the fuck did i just spend 65 bucks on a fan? but then again its a vornado! boy, i really stuck it to this weather
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
July Fast Friday

The July Fast Friday (myspace.com/fast_friday) went down this past weekend and what a huge success it was. The largest fixed gear event in Seattles history brought up riders from SF/Oakland (The Macaframa Crew) as well as people from Vancouver BC, Portland, and Denver. Events included a main Race as well as Seattle favorites Trackstand Twister/Footdown/ and Best Trick.
Link to my Flickr Slideshow for more photos:

Mr Burd was named the Rodney Mullen of Trackbikes haha with his amazing Trackstand showing. Heres a youtube clip showing off some of his moves.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Kids these days...
11-year-old charged with DUI, fleeing cops at 100 mph
By The Associated Press
ORANGE BEACH, Ala. — Police who chased a Chevrolet Monte Carlo for miles along a highway at speeds up to 100 mph said the driver was drunk, hardly a rarity in the resort town of Orange Beach. But there was more: When they looked inside the flipped vehicle with guns drawn, they found an 11-year-old girl at the wheel.
"You go up there thinking it's a felon you're dealing with," assistant police Chief Greg Duck said.
The girl, who lived in Cantonment, Fla., was treated at a hospital for scrapes and bruises and released to relatives.
She was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident. Duck said she sideswiped another vehicle during the roughly 8-mile chase.
The chase began around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday when a patrol officer near the Florida line saw the car speeding west along a beach highway, Duck said. When the officer flicked on his lights, the driver sped up. The driver rolled the car just inside the Gulf Shores city limit.
Police ran up to the car with guns drawn, expecting to find a fleeing felon. Instead, they discovered the girl, who was obviously intoxicated, Duck said.
She told officers she was headed to Orange Beach to pick up her sister from a concert, but police have not determined if that is true.
Investigators think she was vacationing with her family in nearby Perdido Key, Fla. Duck said the girl's name was not released because of her age.
Investigators found no alcohol in the vehicle but believe the girl drank before getting behind the wheel of the car, which belongs to relatives.
While the legal blood-alcohol content for adults in Alabama is .08, the limit for anyone younger than 21 is .02. Without disclosing her blood-alcohol content, Duck told the Mobile Press-Register newspaper the 11-year-old had enough alcohol in her system that she could have been charged with a DUI even if she had been an adult.
Reuters and Pensacola News Journal material is included in this report.
Sourced from Seattletimes.com
By The Associated Press
ORANGE BEACH, Ala. — Police who chased a Chevrolet Monte Carlo for miles along a highway at speeds up to 100 mph said the driver was drunk, hardly a rarity in the resort town of Orange Beach. But there was more: When they looked inside the flipped vehicle with guns drawn, they found an 11-year-old girl at the wheel.
"You go up there thinking it's a felon you're dealing with," assistant police Chief Greg Duck said.
The girl, who lived in Cantonment, Fla., was treated at a hospital for scrapes and bruises and released to relatives.
She was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident. Duck said she sideswiped another vehicle during the roughly 8-mile chase.
The chase began around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday when a patrol officer near the Florida line saw the car speeding west along a beach highway, Duck said. When the officer flicked on his lights, the driver sped up. The driver rolled the car just inside the Gulf Shores city limit.
Police ran up to the car with guns drawn, expecting to find a fleeing felon. Instead, they discovered the girl, who was obviously intoxicated, Duck said.
She told officers she was headed to Orange Beach to pick up her sister from a concert, but police have not determined if that is true.
Investigators think she was vacationing with her family in nearby Perdido Key, Fla. Duck said the girl's name was not released because of her age.
Investigators found no alcohol in the vehicle but believe the girl drank before getting behind the wheel of the car, which belongs to relatives.
While the legal blood-alcohol content for adults in Alabama is .08, the limit for anyone younger than 21 is .02. Without disclosing her blood-alcohol content, Duck told the Mobile Press-Register newspaper the 11-year-old had enough alcohol in her system that she could have been charged with a DUI even if she had been an adult.
Reuters and Pensacola News Journal material is included in this report.
Sourced from Seattletimes.com
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Be careful With Fireworks
again, i just want to stress that you guys be careful and not blow up your town.
Happy 4th!
Happy Independence Day Jonuts fam!! Hope everyone eats good and has fun. Dont be stupid today... like this clown
Monday, July 2, 2007
Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart...

Seattles been hit! Seattles 7-Eleven downtown off Broad St. has been selected as one of 12 7 Elevens nationwide to become a Kwik E Mart in honor of the new Simpsons Movie. The change includes selling Simpsons inspired products including doughnuts (pink with sprinkles), Krusty-O Cereal, buzz cola and everyones favorite, the Squishee.