Congrats Jerry Yang on WSOP Main Event Win

Watched this live last night and this win could not have happened to a nicer guy.
Immediately after the win he thanked God for making him fortunate, told of his humble beginnings as a refugee, praised the US for being the land of opportunity, and thanked the staff of the WSOP for their hard work. When the $8M prize money was mentioned the first thing he said was that this money is great because of how much he could do for those less fortunate using it. He also pledged 10% of the winnings to Make-A-Wish Foundation, Feed the Children, and the Ronald McDonald House.
He is really the most humble, nicest guy to ever win the Main Event, and I think this next year he will represent poker well, shedding a better light on it with his social and charity work.
He started the final table the shortstack, but throughout the final table, he was the most aggressive player. He was the first one to go all-in at the final table, often put his opponents to the test. He also made a few hero calls which got him the huge stack that let him steamroll the entire final table. Some criticized his play for being a calling station, but it looked like he was bluffing a ton also... obv since it was live, no hole cards. Overall solid play and a great result for a great, likeable guy.
Damnit, I'm never around the right places when theres good people to rob!
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