Fashion Rant

I'm all for people wearing what they enjoy regardless of the hype and the cost. But some things are JUST PLAIN WRONG.. Ive HAD IT with CROCS/Famous Stars and Straps. Crocs are quite possibly the ugliest most useless shoes ever created. They must be stopped. As for Famous Stars and Strap-ons... It speaks for itself. Its become the official white trash/wigger/bro/hiphop shirt of choice =X Help me spread the word and put an end to the countless number of Seattleites i see wearing both.
amen to that. well my opinion is more toward the ugly crocs. NEVER been a fan, those things are hideous. besides, wearing them in the summer will give you horrendous tan lines. ever thought of that? yupp.
i wear Famous... oh well. but i feel ya on the crocs. they must be comfortable as hell.
my nephew swears by crocs.
so take your rant KJ
and shove it up your ass.
I own a few pair of CROCS. I use to be a hater wear a pair and you will change your mind. Oh and i know they are absolutely ridiculous looking. I only wear them to the pool BTW
fed... how old is your nephew? he need direction in his life, you cant support something he himself is not sure of. go pick him up some nikes for the love of god.
he likes them.
and i bought him a pair too.
let the child wear
what he wants.
god forbid he grows a mustache
when he gets older...
or shave his head like RB hustlers. Good gravy Fed...
its a croc of shit. i dont care if crocs are comfy, they are ugly as fuck.
if i wore pillows on my feet, it would be the most comfortable thing ever (and still look better than crocs)..but do you see any assholes doing it? hell no.
famous stars and strap-ons.
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