Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
kay sea ya later

ok ok, i know that pic is sweet up there. but thats not how we'll remember her. so for our viewing pleasure..heres a better pic of the lady who has brought champion socks back to the forefront

ray of hope

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
No Skateboarding Day
13yr old girl get's choked and arrested for riding skateboard on "Go Skateboarding Day".
Monday, June 25, 2007
WTF is this left wing fat fuck doing here?

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
make it rain

you all have prolly heard about these already. but if you haven't these MF Doom SB's are supposed to release later in the year. i seen em down at goods a couple weeks ago and they are some fire, well at least they are better then 98% of the b.s. that has been put out recently.
anyway i just wanted to pop my cherry with my first blog entry... biyatch
lupe fiasco - he say she say video
guess this is the video for "he say, she say" off lupe fiasco's "food and liquor" album. although the song isnt new, the video is me atleast. if its not new to you, F you. anyways.. even though the video isnt hype williams-esque.. i think the concept of the song and the idea of the video makes it hot enough
Monday, June 18, 2007
New Cha Cha Review

Everyone's favorite Capital Hill Hipster Den has re-located (only several blocks) to Pike St underground next door to Cafe Vita. Jonuts Crew Zivan, KJ and a few friends checked it out Sunday and my review is to follow:
*Note- Zivan did not re-grow El chupacabra (his moustache) in honor of the Mexican themed bars re-opening however it was a nice compliment to the surrounding decor.
Drinks: Stiff and Cheap. (Sunday night specials included 1.50 Rainier beer as well as half off wells) Other Notable drinks included some of my favorite Northwest Beers on tap. Including Mac and Jacks PORTER (not Ambur for a change) as well as Georgetown's own Mannys Pale
Atmosphere/Decor: Typical Cha Cha Hipster scene. Sunday was a little more laid back and diverse. Good mix of good people and the people you love to hate. Cha Cha's classic red lighting and Mexican themed decor is still in effect. Including some nice new additions (Foose Ball Table, Luchadores (Masked Wrestlers) Paintings, Trippy Red Arrow Lights, and a vending machine with a great mix of product (Condoms, Food, Desert Storm Trading Cards)
Music: Started off bad!! with some abstract instrumental epic music that made us feel like the walls were about to be smashed in by King Kong but they redeemed themselves when they switched to Steely Dan's Greatest Hits.
"The cuervo gold
The fine Colombian
Make tonight a wonderful thing"-Steely Dan
kj over and out

For some reason last night I got tired of having hair. So I shaved my head. Not a full bic just a zero. I can't stop rubbing the top of my head now and having a hat on feels strange.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I don't even know what to do on a Sunday anymore
Can you believe it? The Sopranos is over and done. Tony is dead, and we will never see another episode ever again. The worst part about it is that that sundays will never be quite as special as they once were, withdrawls are a bitch. I guess there's always Sunday Night Sissy Fights on xbox360.
R.I.P. the best show that ever aired television.
R.I.P. the best show that ever aired television.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
what the fork
ever eaten (or is it ate?) a slice of cake at a sushi joint?

chances are slim to none.
but have you ever ate (or is it eaten?) a slice of cake at a sushi joint...with chopstix?!

chances are you're fat (if you have) to none!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Pokerstars = Rigged? Sharkscope says I'm on tilt...

Thursday, June 14, 2007
A little birdy just whispered in my ear that tandem is the new fixed gear.

I'm just playin.. you know I'm playin right

I'm just playin.. you know I'm playin right
the carlton dance
wow, even i was surprised when i found out there was more to the "carlton dance" than just the wild swinging of the arms mixed with the snapping from both hands. well.. without further aideu
eat your heart out mr darrens dance grooves!
eat your heart out mr darrens dance grooves!
whos the masta?!
as im ansy watchin' game 4 of the cavs/spurs finals.. i need something to relax me a little bit. how 'bout a dose of some masta ace.
btw, lebron just threw down a nasty dunk. that helps too
btw, lebron just threw down a nasty dunk. that helps too
Staring down the barrell of a gun.
Its finally up! Now you guys will be forced to read what I have to say. Thank you Jonas for making this happen. As the inaugural gift, I present a youtube clip.
awww gawshh....
awww gawshh....
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
New Fremont Mural
My friend
s; the MataMuros (Killing Walls) Crew are in the process of painting a new Mural on the well known Fremont "Tobacco Store" Piece of Mind on 36th Ave. The large installation will still keep the stores Jamaican Vibe but will tie in some Northwest Flavor including a Beacon Hill Viewpoint of the Seattle Skyline/Olympic Peninsula. Keep an eye out next time your rolling through the neighborhood or stopping by for a new "Tobacco Pipe" -KJ

witnessing bullshit

in lebron's 1st finals appearance, we're witnessing a slaughtering of the cleveland cavaliers. down 0-3 vs the san antonio spurs, theres little hope for king james' time coming this year. and by little hope, i mean history shows a 0% chance of coming back to win 4 games in a row after being down 0-3. however, for the faithful fans like myself who enjoy reading about lebrons story and watching countless highlights, has a pretty in-depth story of what we have witnessed so far