As you may or may not know, Michael Moore has a new movie coming out on the 29th of this month. I have had the privelage of watching the now deleted movie on google video. Sicko is another one of his "documentaries" (in quotes because his films are obviously biased and probably not 100% true. i have yet to see Fahrenhype 9/11), this time its about the health care in America. I for one didnt think too much about health care before i saw it. I have a full time job with benefits and every pay check a small amount is taken out in order for me to have those benefits. So now i figure that if some unforseen freak accident happens to me (god forbid) i will be covered. WRONG! This movie shows example after example of people denied health care. All of the big corporate health care providers find any way possible to deny health care to people in order to increase their profits. And due to the extravagent expense of hospital bills (examples have been a few thousands to half a million for operations) and/or medication it can ruin lives of anyone short of a 6 figure income. **SPOILER ALERT!!11** There were a few cases where parents had to move in with their kids and one case with a man who chose the less expensive finger to be reconnected when a couple of his digits were chopped off. ***/SPOILER*** While the first part talks about how fucked up our health care system is, the second half shows us what basically everyone else's health care is like...FREE. Granted they are taxed more and there are many other flaws to their government that you tend to forget about while watching this movie, it still makes you think.
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