family business
tonight, the homies came together and had an outting at our favorite sushi joint, liberty. even laury povich showed up...bitch.

i cant tell which is cooler...iphone buckle or the turn-n-cough

after much debate about how sex sells...our feast begins

less than 5 minutes later it ends :(

oh but it continues!

...for another whopping 5 minutes

c'mon guys...theres only one way to get rid of food coma...

supaman dat hoe (not you laury povich). edward/nasty youtube coming soon

awesome picture mr photographer man you

get off me povich! alright alright we'll show your wonderful photography

...starting off with... well you make your own caption

barto's so epic. attention to detail: look between the two bartos. creepy

edwarduptho makin it rain. and we'z out
...and a big thanks to you guys for showin love and makin me feel better. lollerskates at the fuckin one liners. know for damn sure ill be there for you guys whenever..wherever. and thats why we're family.

i cant tell which is cooler...iphone buckle or the turn-n-cough

after much debate about how sex sells...our feast begins

less than 5 minutes later it ends :(

oh but it continues!

...for another whopping 5 minutes

c'mon guys...theres only one way to get rid of food coma...

supaman dat hoe (not you laury povich). edward/nasty youtube coming soon

awesome picture mr photographer man you

get off me povich! alright alright we'll show your wonderful photography

...starting off with... well you make your own caption

barto's so epic. attention to detail: look between the two bartos. creepy

edwarduptho makin it rain. and we'z out
...and a big thanks to you guys for showin love and makin me feel better. lollerskates at the fuckin one liners. know for damn sure ill be there for you guys whenever..wherever. and thats why we're family.
awwwww shiiitttt.... I fucking love you Jonas
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