son of a stitch!
dec 3rd. 1st bball game of the season. 3rd quarter. stole ball - fast break - lay up - legs undercut - face on floor = toof through upper lip. probably shoulda got stitches, but the hospital is past ed's. and i didnt feel like going to the ER for 2 threads in my lip. so a trip to 7-11 for some neosporin and a band-aid had to suffice. enjoy!

yeah, sorry for the lack of a warning. call me an asshole. or call me a vagina cause thats what it looks like on my upper lip. btw we won and thats all that counts >=O

yeah, sorry for the lack of a warning. call me an asshole. or call me a vagina cause thats what it looks like on my upper lip. btw we won and thats all that counts >=O
EWW EWW EWW EWW. Please do NOT tell me you are growing out your facial hair. Hella barf nassy.
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