fuck the police

play-by-play action:
- 11:10pm-ish park at the garage near war room
- get out of car..proceed to nearest corner
- undo pants..my one eyed monster starts crying
- spotlight flashes on me..turn around to see 3 cop cars in the distance
- megaphone: "stop urinating!"
...have YOU ever stopped pissing when you already started? its fuckin impossible
- i finish up..start to walk..said cop cars rush to surround me
- hands on the hood. frisked. read my rights. notified that i was being recorded
- cops start their asshole assault: "are you fucking kidding me right now? are you serious? you hear us tell you to stop and you keep going? HAHAHAHA"
...i just sit there with a shitty grin laughing inside at these power-hungry-bullied-in-highschool-pricks...it apparently made them more mad
- FEMALE cop says "seriously bro? you couldn't pinch it off?"
...alright stupid bitch, like you have a penis and you've tried doing that. have you ever squated, pissed, then shoved your fist in your cooter to stop peeing? doesnt feel good. (no i didnt say any of that to the cops, i kept my shitty silent grin while they heard themselves talk)
- get my ticket after receiving my verbal fucking for the night
- i break my silence: "wow a whopping $27..oh no!"
- cops snarl at me, i gets my freak on...oh you mad cause im stylin on you
you styled on 'em. "i can't stop once i start.. it stings!" - lloyd christmas
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